Your health is one of those things you so easily take for granted. I mean, you just have it. It's not something you earned so you don't bother to take care of it, till it's not there anymore. Of course, in the rare event that you do fall sick, you have it all covered. Your partner's job has great perks and Mediclaim's included! But is that really enough? No!
Here are some reasons you need to have your own health insurance policy:
Why your husband's policy is not enough!
• Do you know what the No.1 reason for hospitalisation is? Of course, it's pregnancy! However, the plan / benefit structure of group health insurance policies are customised to suit corporate needs and usually don't cover pregnancy.
• Even if it does, what if your husband really needs to change his job right about the time you are going for your delivery? Worse still, what if he gets fired?
• A mediclaim policy provided by a company will extend upto the day he retires at the most. If you get an independent health insurance policy after that you will have to pay a much, much higher premium thanks to your age!
So now that you know why you need your own retail health insurance policy, it's time to go get one that's right for you.
Start early
First off, it takes about three to four years to really benefit from any health insurance policy. Benefits like waiver of waiting periods, coverage of pre-existing diseases, cumulative bonuses etc take effect only after the first couple of years. So it's better to start early.
Also, at a younger age you can avoid the ordeal of pre-policy check up and avail of lower premium rates too.
And scary as it may be, nowadays, diseases that usually hit people later in life, like heart attacks, arthritis etc, are now occurring much earlier. So you might as well be covered for these too.
Choosing a policy
Just because you need a health insurance policy doesn't mean you buy the first one a salesman offers you. Do a little research on what different insurance companies are offering, the rates, etc.
• Also base your decision on the following:
• Age
• Lifestyle
• Premium paying capacity
• Benefit requirement
You could start with a coverage of Rs. 2,00,000 and gradually increase it as you grow older.
Here's the amount of cover you can look at:
20 to 35 years – Rs 2,00,000
35 to 45 years – Rs 4,00,000
45 to 59 years – Rs 5,00,000
60+ years – Rs 6,00,000 to Rs 10,00,000
Check the fine print
Check and double check the policy details. You don't want your policy to spring any ugly surprises on you. For instance, discovering that your policy doesn't cover certain diseases or that there is one to two year exclusion for certain diseases or that there is a waiting period for pre-existing diseases can be a real downer.
Also check the insurer's credentials and experience in health insurance and ask for details regarding the underwriting approach at the time of entry and claims.
Lastly, make sure your policy does not end at a certain age because this could leave you without any cover at a time when you need it most.
Added benefits
Don't we all love them? Well, all insurance policies don't offer them to you. Look for a policy that gives you the advantages of cover for health check ups, maternity benefits, day care surgeries etc.
Insurance uninterrupted
Once you've found a suitable health insurance product that meets all your needs, it is important to stay insured without interruption. For that, remembering your health policy renewal date is pretty much as important as remembering your partner's birthday or your wedding anniversary!